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Connaitre et Comprendre les lois guinéennes

Personne ne peut vivre harmonieusement avec les autres membres de la société sans la connaissance et le respect des textes de lois qui régissent leurs rapports. 

The 2021 Charter

Here you will find all the articles ofthe Guinean Constitution. 

The Penal Code

Here you will find all the articles of theGuinean Penal Code.

The Civil Code

Here you will find all the articles of theGuinean Civil Code.  

Marteau de juge

Connaitre les lois Guinéennes


Nul n’est responsable pénalement que de son propre fait. N’est pas pénalement responsable, la personne qui accomplit un acte commandé par l’autorité légitime, sauf si cet acte est manifestement illégal.

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Code du Travail 

Les dispositions de la présente loi sont applicables aux relations individuelles et collectives entre les travailleurs et les employeurs exerçant leur activité professionnelle dans les secteurs mixte et privé en République de Guinée.

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Code de l'enfant 

Tout être humain âgé de moins de 18 ans est appelé enfant.

Tout enfant est enregistré immédiatement après la naissance. 

Il a droit à la vie, à un nom, à une nationalité et à la vie. 

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Code des Investissements

Le présent Code fixe le cadre juridique et institutionnel des investissements privés, nationaux ou étrangers réalisés en République de Guinée


I deeply believe that no society can be formed, organized and developed if each person who composes it does not feel fully listened to, respected and secure. Peace and stability are guaranteed by not only knowledge of and respect for the legal texts that each country adopts, but also the universal laws which define the relations between the different States and above all the strict application of these laws at all levels. without discrimination.

THE EX will not only be used to know and understand the texts of laws in force in Guinea but also will allow each person to have the possibility of denouncing the violations of the laws and of instantly contacting the security services (the police and the gendarmerie), the law firms, NGOs, media, Activists anywhere and anytime.


Contact a Lawyer

Contact a Lawyer to defend your rights in court 


Contact a Lawyer

Contact a Lawyer to defend your rights in court 


Contact a Lawyer

Contact a Lawyer to defend your rights in court 


Contact a Lawyer

Contact a Lawyer to defend your rights in court 

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The exercise of civil rights is independent of the exercise of political rights, which are acquired and preserved in accordance with constitutional and electoral laws.

Every Guinean will enjoy civil rights.

The foreigner will enjoy in Guinea the civil rights which are recognized to him by the Law and also of all those which are or will be granted to the Guineans by the Treaties of the Nation to which this foreigner will belong.

The foreigner, even non-resident in Guinea, may be cited before the Guinean Courts for obligations contracted in Guinea with a Guinean or a natural or legal person of foreign nationality but domiciled in Guinea and exercising his activity there; he may be brought before the Courts of Guinea for obligations contracted by him in a foreign country towards natural or legal persons of foreign nationality, but domiciled in Guinea and exercising their activity there.

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Les Lois Guinéennes

La Loi ne dispose que pour l’avenir, elle n’a point d’effet rétroactif, sauf disposition contraire ou lorsqu’il s’agit d’une loi interprétative d’une loi ancienne.

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